Everyone is sick in my family - well, almost everyone, and if they're not sick now, they're coming down with it. Poor Nati is even getting the flu, I'm afraid. I have a feeling we're heading to the doctor tomorrow. *sigh*
I'm sorry to hear that your family is so sick! Did you know that you can still nurse when you and Nati are both sick? People will tell you that you have to give her formula, but it's necessary to keep breastfeeding.
Did you know that any germ that you are exposed to, antibodies for that very germ are in your breastmilk 4 hours after being initally exposed? Nati needs those antibodies more than anything to help recover faster.
i'm keeping up nursing for that reason. A few people have tried to tell me to feed her frozen expressed milk so I can take antibiotics, but then she wont get the benefits of the anitbodies - so no thanks!!!
She has a very low grade fever tonight. I may call Dr. Punger tomorrow for an appt. I think I'm going to switch to her for Nati's care.
Hi, I’m Danielle and I write Raising Baby Bee to chronicle raising my daughter and step-children and aspects of my every-day life . I started Raising Baby Bee in 2008, shortly after my daughter was born as a way to capture all the wonderful daily happenings that I knew I would soon forget. Along with raising my family, I have spent over 15 years in the construction industry, as well as building a very fulfilling after-hours business making wedding, birthday and holiday invitations and stationery called Little Bee Custom Designs. To contact me, please email danielle @ littlebeecustomdesigns.com.
I'm sorry to hear that your family is so sick! Did you know that you can still nurse when you and Nati are both sick? People will tell you that you have to give her formula, but it's necessary to keep breastfeeding.
Did you know that any germ that you are exposed to, antibodies for that very germ are in your breastmilk 4 hours after being initally exposed? Nati needs those antibodies more than anything to help recover faster.
i'm keeping up nursing for that reason. A few people have tried to tell me to feed her frozen expressed milk so I can take antibiotics, but then she wont get the benefits of the anitbodies - so no thanks!!!
She has a very low grade fever tonight. I may call Dr. Punger tomorrow for an appt. I think I'm going to switch to her for Nati's care.
I hope your family is feeling better. Take care!!!
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