What a big girl - 5 months now (well, as of yesterday). I just can't believe time is going by so quickly. This past month has really seen some changes in Nati. She's rolling over, she's talking up a storm, she's starting cereal again, she's bending and reaching for things she wants. She's turning into a little person. The changes seem to happen overnight.
As of last night, she tipped the scales at 16.4 lbs, and I haven't measured her yet. She's outgrown her 3-6 months clothes and into 6 months and some 6-9 month! Chunky Little Monkey!
Here's some more photos from the shoot last night. I LOVE the ones with her and AJ.
Here she was talking. I have all kinds of photos of her talking with her mouth all contorted.
Wow, both of my girls are getting so big! It's amazing, I was just thinking how it seems like yesterdy that Aj was the size of Natti and at the same time it seems like Natti was just born a few weeks ago. They say time flies when you're having fun so I guess we're havin a blast!
These pictures are just so beautiful! All the pictures you take are pretty!
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